Formerly “Thin Within”

We equip people with life-giving, grace-infused tools to deepen their intimacy with Jesus so that counterfeit comforts lose their allure, and the joy and hope of Jesus fills their lives, satisfying their souls.

Join our community and get loads of freebies, support, courses and more!

What is Revelation Within?

Welcome to a ministry where transformation isn’t just a possibility—it’s a promise. At our heart, we are here to invite you on an inspiring journey, one that’s all about surrendering to God’s own divine plan for you, renewing your mind, and finding strength in a supportive community.

Imagine a life where you’re no longer held captive by counterfeit coping mechanisms or past struggles, a life where you can confidently make choices, and where victory and joy are no longer elusive, but become your constant companions. We’ve been there too, facing habits and behaviors that seemed to own us. But we’ve emerged as overcomers, and now we’re here to equip you to do the same.

Our mission is all about empowering you to live your best life, regardless of your circumstances. We offer Biblically grounded tools and a deep well of personal experience to help you navigate life’s challenges and obstacles. Our foundation lies in surrendering to God’s plan, harnessing the transformative power of mind renewal, and fostering a sense of community like no other.

As you journey with us, you’ll discover the freedom to not only survive but thrive. Together, we’ll build a relationship with God that’s rooted in trust and intimacy, leaving behind harmful coping mechanisms and embracing lasting change.

Join us on this adventure of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Unlock the power of transformation, and together, let’s create a life filled with peace, confidence, and the joy of overcoming.

What habit do you wish you could be free from?

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~ Romans 12:2

Meet your Coaches

Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley

Though we have rebranded to a more relevant “Revelation Within,” it is true that since 1975, Thin Within has been a guiding light for those seeking peace with food, eating, and their bodies within the context of their faith. We believe that experiencing the peace of God is not limited to one aspect of life but encompasses the entirety of our journey. That’s why we’ve expanded our mission to help you find joy and tranquility in every season, offering strategies, tools, and support to deepen your intimacy with the God of the universe.

In 2014, the paths of Heidi Bylsma Epperson and Christina Motley crossed, and their partnership has been a catalyst for transformation ever since. Together, they have committed to lead people towards freedom, not only in their relationship with food but also in various aspects of life. From managing the complexities of aging parents to navigating the uncharted waters of the “empty nest,” from developing healthy coping skills to drawing closer to the Lord during times of challenge or suffering – their mission knows no bounds.

At Revelation Within, we understand that the journey towards peace and wholeness is unique for each individual. That’s why we offer a range of personalized services, including one-on-one coaching, transformative coaching groups, immersive classes, enlightening podcast episodes, and a vibrant community at RevWithin.Team. When you join us, you’re not just joining a program – you’re stepping into a supportive family that walks alongside you on your path to self-discovery and growth.

But don’t just take our word for it – come and experience Revelation Within for yourself. We invite you to join us and explore the depths of our offerings with a complimentary first week. Dive into the wisdom, inspiration, and transformative power that await you. Discover how to find peace with food, eating, and your body, while also nurturing your soul, strengthening your relationships, and embracing your identity in Christ. Together, let’s uncover the incredible joy and fulfillment that life has to offer, no matter what you may face.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with us? We can’t wait to welcome you into our community. Visit us today at RevWithin.Team and start your first week free. Your path to peace, freedom, and joy awaits!

Build Your Intimacy With God

Try these three steps:


The Lord has a vision for your abundant life. It may or many not include being a specific size, but according to God’s Word, it most definitely includes you experiencing peace and abundant joy!

Renew Your Mind

We don’t mean more bible study and more prayer necessarily. Think God’s thoughts about life, food, eating, trials, suffering, difficult people, etc. Check out our Mind Renewal 101 class for more info

Look and Learn with Jesus

Rather than quit when we don’t do it “perfectly,” we can ask the Lord what lessons He has for us in our missteps. He equips us for victory going forward! Grace infuses our journey each day.

Defeat destructive coping mechanisms…

…for good!

Consider joining us for our next 8-week class studying

Mind Mastery Blueprint.


Testimonials from our participants


We are in full throttle action with our RevWithin.Team hosted on Mighty Networks. Think of it as a Facebook-like environment (only WAY better) that is JUST about you, your community, and Revelation Within. No more distracting reels and political or anti-religious posts! Just pure truth, joy, and fellowship as we support one another!

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.
